Outreach Drop In & Resource Centers

Drop In, 277 Main Street in Greenfield. First floor entrance. Take stairs or elevator to 3rd floor.

Outreach and Resources

Greenfield Drop In Resource Center:

277 Main Street, 3rd floor, Greenfield:
Mondays and Wednesdays 2PM - 5PM

Orange Resource Center:

131 W. Main Street Suite 226, Orange:

Call 413-774-7054 ext 7 to make appointment

Orange Resource Center

To access our resource center please call 413-774-7054 x 7 to schedule an appointment.

Resources will be available throughout the week by scheduling an appointment. It is our hope we can be better available to young people through this method. We will continue to provide all of the same services we provided during our open drop-in hours. Food Pantry, Hygiene Products, Clothing, Referrals, Intake and Case Management Services, and Coordinated Entry System Access, will all be available.


DIAL/SELF reaches out to at-risk youth to prevent homelessness and sexual exploitation of teens. Youth, parents, guidance counselors, and other helping professionals are encouraged to call or stop by for resource information, referrals, counseling, case management, advocacy, and emergency shelter.

DIAL/SELF reaches out to youth in schools, at community meals programs, and on the street. It operates a food pantry and resource drop-in center located at 277 Main Street, 3rd floor in Greenfield, MA which is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 2pm to 5pm. We also have a resource center located at 131 W. Main St, Suite 226 in Orange that is availible by appointment.

DIAL/SELF provides limited emergency housing for under 18 youth through the NightOwl which is an overnight teen warming center.

The Director of Youth & Young Adult Programs is Kelsey Wessels-Higgins. She may be contacted at 413-774-7054 ext. 102 or kwesselshiggins@dialself.net.