orange Innovation Center

Location: Resource Center is located in the OIC (Orange Innovation Center) in rooms 225 and 226 which is located at 131 W Main St, Orange MA.

If you have property management questions about the building located at 15-17 E. Main Street please contact the Franklin County Regional Housing & Redevelopment Authority who managees that building. DIAL/SELF is still the service provider for the apartments in the building but does not act as the landlord. If you are a young person and want to learn about living in the building you should still reach out to DIAL/SELF to start an applicaiton process.

Orange Drop-In Center shifting to Orange Resource Center

The Resource Center is available throughout the week by scheduling an appointment. It is our hope we can be better available to young people through this method.

We will continue to provide all of the same services we provided during our open drop-in hours. Food Pantry, Hygiene Products, Clothing, Referrals, Intake and Case Management Services, and Coordinated Entry System Access, will all be available.

To access our resource center, please call 413-775-7054 x 4 to schedule an appointment.

History: Since 2007, DIAL/SELF - North Quabbin has been a satellite office for the agency that serves the North Worcester and Franklin County communities that comprise the North Quabbin region.